Exposure II Experience II Excellence
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be”
Would you like the opportunity to work in a Company?
Do you enjoy taking on challenging projects?
Join our innovating X3 Program
Macrolink Tech Solutions (MTS) is designed to enable undergraduates gain work experience as the foundation of their professional lives. MTS will ensure you have interviews set up with the companies who are looking for fresher and collage pass out for solid workforce requirement in India.

Macrolink Tech Solutions unique programme is for those entire undergraduate to start work immediately once you pass out, planned to take away all worries from the students JOB search and make their parents proud.
Each enrolled student is shortlisted and resume shared with the companies where there are fresher’s required for a first level job profile. Two sets of interview search will be planned for those students seeking JOB placement with their current skill sets paying a minimal processing fee of ₹750.
MTS further-training-programs, for those who don’t make it through in the desired interviews, will enable them select training modules to enrich their skills from the HR feedback received, this will prepare them to face two more set of interview opportunity with preparedness to achieve their desired goal, with professional cost.